Raj Group Rugs and Carpets Manufacturer Panipat
Raj Group has established its factories in the historical city of Panipat, also known as the ‘City of Weavers’. Not only does the organization provide floor furnishings to its clients, it also creates an heirloom in each product. The company is recognized as an international brand with skilled employees, who work together as one family, across the organization’s vast network of factories and offices.

It is this consistency that encases the organization’s vision and builds its future. From importers in 1991 to acquiring their first retailer in 1996, Raj Group is now synonymous with innovation and enterprise, the cornerstones of its philosophy.

Our Vision

To establish Raj Group as an industry leader and a pioneer through innovative products, high standards of quality and technological excellence, strong customer focus and a global distribution network that is empowered by its employees, a commitment to the environment, and the maintenance of the highest standards of ethics.

Mission Statement

To Engage Profitably

By providing the highest value to our customers through personal engagement
and innovation.

To Engage Responsibly

By attaining the highest levels of efficiency, honesty and integrity in our daily functioning.

To Engage Effectively

By consistent reflection and improvements in manufacturing and service.

Our Core Values

Trust &
Respect for
the environment
Constant &
Consistent Learning

Our Guiding

At Raj Group, we believe that our client’s success is paramount and we make every endeavour to contribute to this. By working with, and sharing knowledge with our customers, and building lasting relationships we ensure that progress is enduring and synergistic.

We are rooted in our organisation’s heritage, while also being committed towards the future. We are committed towards bringing innovation in our industry practice. We focus on creating designs that are fashion forward, and on using materials and crafting products that are suited to a modern lifestyle.

Our employees are our biggest growth drivers and we ensure that we provide a safe and positive work environment for them. Providing equal opportunity for Women is fundamental to our goals as we aim for continuous employee development. Our employees also undergo various skill development programs and participate in numerous social events to help build camaraderie amongst them.

Raj Group respects each employee as an individual, and strives to bring in a sense of shared community in the organisational environment.

Our Certifications

We are Fair Trade Certified

Raj is certified for social, environmental and quality compliance. We were globally the first company in Home Textiles to be Fair Trade Certified. Today 700 + skilled and semi-skilled craftspeople benefit from the programs run through Fair Trade.

Our partners

Find your perfect rug. Our design experts are at your service.

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